Have Fun. Play In A Band. Start Playing Drums Today!

Hi, I’m Doug from LearnDrumsNow.com. Start learning to play the drums
now by signing up for my FREE guide and twice weekly email drum lessons below
Each lesson is packed with tips to help you learn to play the drum set in a band!

"Doug thanx a lot for this post i really appreciate your effort on making me a better drummer." - Ajose Tosine, LearnDrumsNow reader

song structure

The Parts of a Song and What They Mean To a Drummer

Every drummer eventually hears the joke about how many people in a band: 3 musicians and a drummer.  Or how to confuse a drummer: Put a sheet of music in front of them.  Our goal as drummers should be to play as musically as possible so we can laugh at these jokes knowing that we […]

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